What happens when....

What happens when you combine Adolf in Space with Pinocchio?

Answer: Pinocchio in Space !

What happens when you combine Masto 5M the Mechanical Maitre d' with Pinocchio?

Answer: Pinocchio the Robot (The "nose adventurer: l'aventurier nez)!

What happens when you run an Italian graphics firm?

Interactive Pinocchio!


Paflyman! said…
Ackk! We got spammed in the comments. I deleted them, but be on the watch for FAKE STUPID COMMENTS.

Always be sure to accept only pafly approved REAL STUPID COMMENTS!
Anonymous said…
I saw PinOS as a kid in the theater. It was animated, but that was about all it had going for it. While P&F and Adolph in Space have much lower production quality, they are infinitely more entertaining.

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