What about Tomita?

Ha! Finally found where the title music of Adolf in Space came from! I was listening to a classical music station when they suddenly played

Grigoras Dinicu: Hora staccato
National Philharmonic
Charles Gerhardt, conductor
James Galway, flute
RCA 60917

Add a little Tomita and you get Kosmos!

Coincidence? I don't think so!

Ha and ha!! Take that Silly Looking Charlene!

Hmm. Dinicu seems to be the most poorly documented composer ever, famous mainly for the hora staccato.


Anonymous said…
Ah, Yes! The Hora Staccato, whose name always sounded vaguely profane, sort of like Adolph in Space. Coincidentally, iTunes is playing Adolph in Space Episode III, the one in which Gulk turns to the Dark Slide and defeats Frederick. Those were the good old days, before any of us had to devote countless hours to writing and debugging PHP to maintain annoying websites.

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