Pafly Search Terms... stop for "matt rowley pinocchios" and "foot love". And some ferrets.

rank hits percent terms

1 5 6.25% ferret
2 5 6.25% pinocchio
3 3 3.75% PAFLY.COM
4 3 3.75% Pinocchio
5 3 3.75% matt rowley pinocchio
6 3 3.75% paflyman
7 2 2.50% Buddha%27s footprints
8 2 2.50% Church and State
10 2 2.50% Pinocchio.pdf
11 2 2.50% church and state
12 2 2.50% foot comics
13 2 2.50% foot flush
14 2 2.50% man ferret
15 2 2.50% pafly
16 2 2.50% pinocchio in the mouth of the -
17 2 2.50% pupa make up
18 2 2.50% radio plays podcast
19 2 2.50% sripada footprint
20 1 1.25% FOOT LOVE


Anonymous said…
I'm especially proud of the Church and State search. It's time that citizens recognize that the Church and State should be unified, er, cooperating on vital issues like giving Salt Lake a nose job.
Anonymous said…
O, Mr. Ferret! Your so right! It needs a faith-based nose job!

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